So one of my part-time jobs(I've got a full-time job and two part-time jobs, suck it recession) is hanging out at one of the few remaining Lackluster Video stores across this great land.
not my store |
I'm a movie nerd and pretty much only work there for the free movies, they pay me too but it's not much. Being that said video store is located in the ghetto on the lower income side of town, we don't get too many of the douchey snob types that talk down to us because we're lowly video store clerks. We're damn near pillars of the community. Some of the kids that come in even look up to us and dream of working there some day. It's sad, I know.
But recently a phenomenon has been occurring that really pisses me off.
Sample dialogue:
"All set?"
"Yes, I'll get these movies."
"Ok, do you have your Lackluster card?"
"No, can you look me up?"
"Yeah, what's your last name?"
"Ruiz, R-U-I-Z."
mother fucker are you serious?!? |
If this was an isolated incident it wouldn't bother me. But it's happened more that a few times now, with easy fuckin names to spell i.e. Lopez, Guzman, Alvarez. Basic Hispanic names right. Apparently because I'm a white guy these people think I'm fucking retarded or culturally insensitive or some bullshit that makes them feel they have to spell their name for me.
Now I realize they aren't trying to stereotype me. They just have had to deal with lots of ignorant, uncultured swine who can't spell. I get that, people have and continue to misspell and mispronounce my last name all the time, but come the fuck on. Unless you live under a rock in a trailer park in Kentucky next to a NASCAR track you should be able to spell basic Hispanic names.
Do you people not listen to music? or watch movies? or watch sports? This is America right? Melting pot of the world? Society of immigrants? I guess my rage isn't directed at the people who want me to spell their name correctly. It's directed at all the ignorant mouthbreathers that have caused them to believe that white people can't spell simple fuckin names.
So fuck you, you rat bastards. Culture the fuck up. I'm sick of catching shit for your ignorance