Most of the concerns I had were addressed; the suit color change, laziness of script, poor acting. The trailer shows enough, without showing too much. The reworking of the plot looks intriguing. Michael Keaton, Samuel L. muthafuckin Jackson, and Gary Oldman give me hope that they are taking this seriously, but not too seriously. As it should be. I'm sure we will get 12 more trailers before the movie comes out, but for now I'm definitely stoked.
Listen Amurica the nonsensical rantings of a lunatic, who may be the links or it won't make sense.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
New Robocop actually looks...good?!?
Most of the concerns I had were addressed; the suit color change, laziness of script, poor acting. The trailer shows enough, without showing too much. The reworking of the plot looks intriguing. Michael Keaton, Samuel L. muthafuckin Jackson, and Gary Oldman give me hope that they are taking this seriously, but not too seriously. As it should be. I'm sure we will get 12 more trailers before the movie comes out, but for now I'm definitely stoked.
"The worst part is I lost."
That was John McCain's response to his getting caught playing online poker during the Senate hearing on going to war against Syria.
This is unacceptable, what a worthless piece of shit. You are in a hearing deciding whether or not to send American soldiers to their deaths, and you can't be bothered to actually pay attention. You're not some college kid in a core curriculum class you don't care about, you are deciding the fate of thousands of people, possibly the world. On top of that you are at work. How many people wouldn't get fired if they were playing online poker on their phone in a meeting. To me that says you don't give a fuck about your job or the people you "represent."
Then when you get caught fucking off instead of paying attention, you crack wise about it like its no big deal. I'd like to think a war veteran and former POW would have a little more respect for his country and the men and women of the armed forces, but I guess their lives aren't as important as your video poker winnings. Were you trying to win a seat in next year's World Series?
This is worse than sexting some floozy. At least Carlos Danger did that shit in his spare time. I want to know who he was playing with. Was there a Senate wide game going on? How many of these assholes were fucking off during the hearing? I'm sure the NSA can tell us.
Fuck you John McCain. Take your job seriously or make way for someone who will.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Our Biggest Threat.
Dont text and Drive
Everyone's favorite soul-wrenching filmmaker has been commisioned by the four major cell phone providers to produce this documentary on texting and driving. I'm glad to see that he is using his power for good. Please show this to your children, friends, family, employees; anybody you know with a cell phone. Its not worth killing someone or destroying someone's future just to let whoever know you are on your way. The video is embedded below. Sending this one in from my phone so lets hope it works.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Pizza and a Show

Saturday, July 7, 2012
Stereotypes suck
not my store |
mother fucker are you serious?!? |
Monday, June 11, 2012
Adventures in Sobriety
So a few days ago I had the worst anxiety attack of my life. It was brought on, I'm sad to say, by marijuana. For three hours I had an intense fear that the promotion I'm interviewing for at work was actually my boss' way of trying to get rid of me, even though he expressly said he wasn't. But I just couldn't stop the feeling of almost certainty that I was going to soon be fired and all that I have accomplished in the past few years would fall apart and come crashing down. Luckily the girl I'm seeing was over and able to distract me through most of the attack, but it didn't go away. It was still in the back of my mind like a voice screaming at me that I was going to be fired, I'd loose my car, I'd loose my house, I'd have to go back to live with my mother(which scared me most of all) I'd become a loser like my step brother. All of these fears took over the floor of my cerebral senate and would not relinquish it.
So for roughly three hours my subconscious was locked in battle with my conscious mind trying to prevent a total fucking breakdown. I picture it as an epic battle between two samurai masters with my sanity as the prize and it took all of my meditation talent to focus and prevail. It was the worst 3 hours of my life, worse than having to sit through a Nic Cage movie marathon.
But that wasn't the only reason I've decided to quit smoking pot. I've been kicking the idea around for a few weeks now. Mainly because it's just not fun anymore. It's become something I do out of habit, not something I do for recreation. Almost my defining characteristic. I know this from the shock in people's voices and expressions when I tell them I quit. Not that I'm quitting or cutting back or taking a tolerance break. I quit. I'm fucking dunzo.
Back in the day when I would smoke pot with friends it was an event. We got our pot, we got some good tunes to jam to, got some trippy movies to watch, covered the munchie food groups; sweet, salty, chocolate, greasy, got baked and waxed philosophical whilst watching said movies and listening to said tunes. It was great fun. So, naturally, it started happening more and more and then it got to the point that I would do it by myself and when I would do it with friends we would just get stoned and stare at each other or whatever was on the tube.
It started to get really bad when I started selling. I figured if all my friends were smoking pot, they might as well buy it from me. Then other people started buying from me, at my height I had about 30 people that bought pot from me on the regular. It was good money, it kept my bills paid while I was unemployed for a few months. After I got back to work tho I closed up shop except for a few close friends, who had no other sources.
It was a good run, had a lot of fun. Now don't worry, I'm not jumping sides and declaring marijuana an evil drug. I don't even think of it as a drug, it's just a plant. A plant with many wonderful uses. A drug is something man made, not something you grow, pick, dry and smoke. I just used it to the excess of excess. Like all good things, if not used in moderation it can be bad for you. But I still believe it should be legalized, alcohol is legal and it's ill effects are infinitely worse.
So here we are at day three and I don't even miss it. This is way easier than quitting cigarettes (5 months strong). There have been no withdrawal symptoms. I can feel my mind clearing, my vocabulary is expanding, my wit is getting sharper, my appetite is getting smaller and my willpower stronger. I've still got pot at my house, but I just have no desire to smoke it. A wise man once said "when the desire to quit becomes stronger than the desire to use, you will be free." or something to that effect.
Here is what you should be afraid of. Even with my excessively massive amount of pot use I've been able to hold down three jobs in a time when a lot of people are struggling to find and keep one. I've got a newish car and a house on a lake. All of this I've accomplished while staying baked out of my mind. Imagine what I will accomplish now that I'm sober.