I'm convinced the female gender is retarded. They won't admit it. In fact they believe the opposite to be true, but they don't factor in logic and rationality. I'd probably receive mountains of hate mail calling me a misogynist or sexist for saying that(if anyone actually read this blog). But it's true, I know it, you know it, THEY know it, they just don't want to admit it. Well sometimes they do, lots of women like to bitch about how stupid, catty, backstabbing and petty other women are. “I don't hangout with women,” a lot of women I know say, “they're too much drama.”
What the fuck does it say about your gender that you won't hangout with each other? There is competing philosophy that says the women who don't have female friends are the ones that are bitchy and cause drama, they're just more conniving and manipulative. Either way you have two groups in your gender saying the other evil. Which pretty much makes all of you that way. Now maybe my sample is too small to make this claim about all women. But I can say with some certainty that this definitely applies to all American women. I'm basing all this on my conversations with women and my 28 years of life experience and my own mother telling me how evil girls are my whole life.
I don't believe this is all entirely your fault though. I think it has to do with the way you're raised to view every woman as competition for the best men. How you're conditioned to hate women that you perceive to be better than you. It also has a lot to do with pop culture. The way movies show fucked up relationship models and the way your mothers taught you that when boys picked on you on the playground it meant they liked you. Although this last point explains more of why women are attracted to assholes who treat them like shit.
So basically the odds are stacked against you. You're destined to be crazy, manipulative, backstabbing, bitches. Another reason I'm glad I have a penis. Maybe if you're aware of how you've been programmed you can work to change it. You can recognize when you're being rational and stop yourself. Maybe you'll say to yourself, “wait a minute, that's the reaction a crazy person would have. Let's reevaluate the situation.” I doubt it though, you're too emotional to be rational. And you would have to already be rational to realize you were being irrational. So I guess your gender is fucked. And most men are hosed because they will allow themselves to be controlled and manipulated for pussy.
This is another thing that pisses me off. If this is the age of equality and women expect equal pay for equal work, equal rights, equality in every aspect of life. Then why is pussy more valuable than dick? Why do women still expect chivalry when they don't uphold their end of the social contract. If you wish to be favored, taken care of, placed on a pedestal if you will, then you have to do your part. Whatever that may be. In my opinion it means sucking my dick and keeping the house clean. One person shouldn't be doing all the work in the relationship. My only conclusion is that you don't want equality, you want dominance and subjugation. You want to treat men these days like men in the past treated women in the past. What kind of fucked up sense does that make? WHY THE FUCK do we have to pay for crimes committed by people in the past. This only breeds resentment and furthers the separation and distrust between the genders. It's like fighting to end war or fucking for abstinence, counterproductive.
So until you bitches can sort your shit out, I'll be over here using your own tricks against you.
P.S. I'm leaving the gold digging and what not alone, because, as all men know, no matter who she is or where you met her, you eventually pay for it.